Dear Producers,


Please join us for the 2023 SVFF Fleece Sale on September 24-25. Once

again we will be offering our unique juried fleece evaluation.


We receive no commission for this opportunity to interface and educate sellers on what buyers are looking for and buyers on what seller's produce. This means that you will receive the full sale price on any fleeces sold and a yellow evaluation sheet that identifies the favorable aspect of your fleece.


We have opted not to continue the online fleece sale as it requires a great

deal extra effort and support. This venture was created to demonstrate to

producers that there was a market for online sales, despite apprehension and



The first sale we had several years ago was well trafficked and we helped sell a large number of fleeces. Since then, many of our producers have gone on to market their own fleeces online and we applaud their efforts and success!


While the online market has become a viable venture, many buyers still feel

that nothing can compare to seeing and touching fleece for themselves. We

are grateful for the opportunity that your participation affords us in this.




Bridget Brown, SVFF Fleece Sale 




You can volunteer for the Fleece sale by following this link.

REVISED 2022 report
FleeceSale2022breakdownrevisedfinal Shee
Adobe Acrobat Document 35.4 KB
SVFF Fleece Sale 2023producers.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 67.6 KB
2023FleeceEntryForm (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 78.3 KB